Release of the Community Broadcasting Sector Sustainability Review findings report

The review explores how best to support this sector to become more sustainable.

Undertaken by the department, the review commenced in March 2023 with an independent evaluation of the Community Broadcasting Program (CBP), followed by extensive consultation with industry, sector peak bodies and the public.

The findings report outlines four recommendations across the three priority areas of CBP funding, structure and outcomes; legislative and regulatory changes, and First Nations funding and licensing.

An additional three recommendations are directed at industry, reflecting the shared responsibility of government, peak bodies, and community broadcasters to support the sector's sustainability.

The report highlights opportunities to support the modernisation of the sector, increase the effectiveness of grants programs and address challenges arising from decreased revenue and increasing operational costs.

The government will consider the report and work with stakeholders to progress the recommendations.

The review forms part of the government's ongoing efforts to secure the future of the valued community broadcasting and First Nations media sectors.

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