How to change a blurry background in Skype when making Video Relay calls through the NRS

If you use Auslan and make Video Relay calls through the National Relay Service (NRS), you may have noticed that Skype has recently changed the way calls look so that the background is blurry.

A blurry background can make it hard for the Relay Officer to see your hands properly when you are signing.

You can change the background so that it is not blurry and your hands are easier to see during the Video Relay call.

What do I need to do?

  1. If you use a desktop computer to make Video Relay calls…
    There are two ways to disable the blurry background on a desktop computer:
    1. If you are in the middle of a call
      Move the mouse over the camera and this screen will appear. Toggle off 'Blur my background'. When it is off, it will be grey in colour.
      Title: Video Settings during Skype call on Desktop computer - Description: A screenshot of 'Video Settings' accessed during a Skype call. The screeenshot features a grey square containing the image of a white camera with a line through it. Below the square there are the words 'Blur my background' featuring a grey button to the right of the words which has been moved to the left. A red arrow points to the button.
    2. If you have not yet started a call
      Go to Skype Settings. To access Skype Settings, look for the three dots on the main Skype window.
      Title: Screenshot of main Skype window on desktop computer - Description: The right hand side of the window includes three dots spaced horizontally. A red arrow points to the dots.
      In Settings, click on 'Audio & Video' and then toggle off 'Blur my Background'. When it is off, it will be grey in colour.
      Title: Screenshot of Skype Settings screen on Desktop computer - Description: The screeenshot features a grey square containing the image of a white camera with a line through it. Below the square there are the words 'Blur my background' featuring a grey button to the right of the words which has been moved to the left.
  2. If you use a mobile or tablet to make Video Relay calls…
    Click on the 3 dots in the bottom right hand corner of your call screen. Then, toggle off 'Blur my Background'. When it is off it will be grey in colour.
    Title: Blur my background option accessed during Skype calls on a mobile or tablet. - Description: Black box to right of grey of grey Skype call screen. The box features three options stacked horizantally, The first option features the words 'Blur my background' with a grey button to the right of the screen which has been slid to the left. A red arrow points to the button.

Where should I go for more information and help?

The NRS Helpdesk can help with any problems you might have with changing your Skype background for Video Relay calls.

The Helpdesk is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm (AEST, excluding national public holidays). You can also leave a message outside these hours and a Helpdesk staff member will get back to you.

There are a number of ways to make contact with Helpdesk staff:

Phone: 1800 555 660
TTY: 1800 555 630
Fax: 1800 555 690
SMS: 0416 001 350
Online: Online form

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