The third Annual Progress Report for the 10-year Darwin City Deal was has been released, showcasing the positive impact this historic agreement between all levels of government is having on the ground.
The third Annual Progress Report for the 10-year Darwin City Deal has been released, showcasing the positive impact this historic agreement between all levels of government is having on the ground.
The City Deal has made significant progress towards achieving its vision for a vibrant and liveable tropical capital city, already supporting over 1,000 jobs.
Achievements over the last year include:
- Construction of the $250 million Charles Darwin University Education and Community Precinct is well underway, with construction of the first floor expected to break ground this month.
- The Feeling Cooler in Darwin: Heat Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy was unveiled in December 2021, with 30 recommendations now being addressed to help improve liveability and mitigate the impacts of Darwin’s hot and humid climate.
- Designs for the Larrakia Cultural Centre are 50 per cent complete and construction is expected to start this year, with the centre to be a place where Larrakia people can meet, share and promote their vibrant culture.
- The Department of Defence has completed its detailed site investigations of the former naval fuel installation site at Stokes Hill and provided these findings to the NT Government.
- The demolition of the Chan Building has opened the way for over 4,000 square metres in new green space, providing spacious lawns to host a range of activities and events that draw people into the city and encourage them to stay longer.
- Half the detailed design and development approvals are done for the State Square art gallery, with the construction tender expected to go to market shortly for works to start later this year.
- The Daly Street Beautification project has been completed, providing a cooler, greener, colourful and user-friendly entry to the city.
- Over 12,500 trees have been planted across the municipality since Cyclone Marcus, plus 5,000 native plants given to Darwin residents as part of the Native Tree Giveaway.
The City Deal is a joint initiative of the Australian and Northern Territory governments and the City of Darwin.
Find out more:
- Visit the department’s website