500 lifesaving communication satellite services installed

The Australian Government’s $37.1 million Strengthening Telecommunications Against Natural Disasters (STAND) package has delivered its 500th NBN SkyMuster satellite service.

500 NBN SkyMuster satellite services have been installed at rural fire depots and designated evacuation centres across Australia, providing crucial connectivity for communities and emergency service organisations when land-based communication networks are impacted by natural disasters.

This helps people access the latest information, stay in contact with loved ones and provides an additional layer of redundancy to emergency service organisations’ existing communications technologies. Satellites were utilised in the recent Western Australian bushfires, and served communities well during floods last year in Ingham, Queensland.

This satellite service is just one part of the STAND package, which is also improving regional telecommunications resilience under the Mobile Network Hardening Program and delivering portable communications facilities right across Australia, along with a communications program to ensure people are well-prepared for an emergency or natural disaster.

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