Updating the community on the Norfolk Island Emergency Shelter project

The Norfolk Island emergency shelter project is one of a range of important initiatives aimed at better preparing Norfolk Island for emergency and disaster events.

Funded by the Australian Government, the project was announced in December 2019, to support the design and site selection for an emergency shelter to protect the Norfolk Island community during extreme weather events. Outside of emergency situations, we also want this shelter to be suitable for use as a community facility.

The Department of Infrastructure has engaged consultants GHD to develop the design and site options for this new emergency shelter. GHD will build upon the previous research and work in this space that has been developed by government and the community.

Commencing this month, GHD will be working with key Norfolk Island emergency management stakeholders on the first phase of design work, which will define the shelter’s purpose, and the rationale for its construction.

The second phase of design work will include broad community consultation and detailed site investigations on Norfolk Island. This future design phase aims to map out the emergency shelter’s capacity and amenities, and identify the hazards it will be capable of withstanding.

The work undertaken by GHD on community needs, design and site selection will form the basis of a business case to Government for funding to complete the detailed design and ultimately, construct the facility.

The first phase of community consultation is targeted at those working in the emergency management space on Norfolk Island and is by invitation. The second phase of consultation will be open to the entire community, and will be advertised once dates are established.

It is a project with significant community benefits, not only in building our resilience to extreme weather events, but also providing a valuable community facility for broader use.

I look forward to keeping you up-to-date on this project’s progress and future opportunities for your input and engagement. If you have any questions or feedback in relation to the project in the meantime, please contact the Office of the Administrator by email: office.administrator@infrastructure.gov.au or phone 22152.

Eric Hutchinson 
Administrator of Norfolk Island 
9 September 2021