The Government is seeking views from stakeholders and members of the public on a proposed update of the Telecommunications in New Developments (TIND) policy.
The proposed update follows an initial round of public consultation that concluded in early 2020.
The Government considers that the main features of the TIND policy remain appropriate, but changes can be made to improve the market’s operation and simplify the policy going forward.
The main features of the proposed update are:
- Developers remain responsible for arranging for telecommunications infrastructure, both pit and pipe and active networks, to be installed in their developments, and for funding it.
- Consistent with the proposed statutory infrastructure provider (SIP) legislation, fixed-line networks should be installed as a default, except where this is not reasonable, in which case fixed wireless or satellite should be used.
- The carrier who is contracted to service a development should be the infrastructure provider for that development, consistent with the SIP legislation.
- NBN Co’s current developer and end-user charges will be treated as price caps, meaning it has flexibility to charge below the caps where necessary to respond to competition. NBN Co can charge above the caps where a developer asks for additional services, such as expedited installation.
- Where carriers other than NBN Co have end-user charges, these should be published on their websites, and the total end-user charge for broadband and television services should not exceed $500.
- NBN Co will be free to install competing infrastructure on a commercial basis, but must keep records of its commercial decision making.
- Access to backhaul and NBN Co’s business-to-business interface should be pursued on a commercial basis, noting there are potential regulatory mechanism if required.
- The Government is developing wholesale service standards that will apply to SIPs.
We are seeking comments on the revised policy by Monday, 8 June 2020.
An extended consultation period is being provided due to the current COVID-19 situation and has been set after discussion with past submitters.
To view the proposed update and make a submission visit our Have Your Say page.