CR 118: Road Safety Mass Media Campaigns: A Meta Analysis (1993)


This report details the use of a scientific approach to synthesise the results of a large number (87) of evaluated road safety mass media campaigns. The approach adopted involved the use of Meta Analysis techniques which provides a means of reconciling conflicting findings and allows for a more rigorous approach to synthesis by statistically attempting to develop generalisations across all categories of interest. The analysis found that the average impact across all campaigns and all outcome measures combined (awareness, knowledge, attitudes, behaviour) was 7.56%. (i.e. a campaign is expected to achieve an improvement of 7.56% on the pre campaign measure.) A range of other key findings relating to the effectiveness of various campaign types and strategies is also documented.

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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Consultant Report
Author(s): Elliott and Shanahan Research
Topics: Media, Campaigns
Publication Date: 01/08/93