The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

A National Urban Policy for Australia

We’re developing a National Urban Policy and we want your feedback on the role that all levels of government, industry and the community can play in improving Australian cities and suburbs. 

Why we want your input

Your views will help us develop the final National Urban Policy and guide how the Australian Government can make our urban environment more liveable, equitable, productive, sustainable and resilient.

How you can voice your opinion

You can have your say by completing the short survey linked below or by emailing your submission to by 4 July 2024.

What will be the outcome of this consultation?

Your submission will help inform the final National Urban Policy and contribute to improving our cities and urban areas. After the public consultation period, a summary of the feedback received will be published on this page.

The Issue

Our cities and suburbs continue to present opportunities and challenges as they play a critical role in Australia’s economic, social and environmental future. As our cities grow and change, we have an opportunity to plan for and create sustainable and adaptive urban environments that meet the needs of current and future generations.

The draft National Urban Policy outlines the Australian Government’s goals and objectives to enable our urban areas to be liveable, equitable, productive, sustainable and resilient. The policy will include a shared vision for sustainable growth in our cities and suburbs, developed in partnership with state and territory governments. Principles have been developed to support governments to achieve this vision. 

The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback on how government, industry and community can work together to improve our cities and suburbs, both now and for future generations. The government recognises that not every opportunity or challenge has been captured in the draft policy. This is your chance to have your say and help build the change you want. 

Following consideration of feedback received, the government will finalise the National Urban Policy in consultation with the state and territory governments and urban policy experts.

The National Urban Policy was finalised on 29 November 2024. You can access the final version using the link below.

Relevant documentation

Late submissions

For submissions granted an extension, please direct to


Submissions published

The submissions below have been created by third parties and may not meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 requirements. If you'd like an accessible copy of any of the submissions below, please contact


23 May 2024 09:00 AEST
04 Jul 2024 23:59 AEST

We invite you to tell us your views on this topic.

Please include:

  • contact name
  • organisation name, if applicable
  • contact details, including telephone number, postal and email addresses
  • confirmation whether or not your submission can be made public—published—or kept confidential.

All submissions to be made public need to meet the Digital Service Standard for accessibility. Any submission that does not meet this standard may be modified before being made public.

If your submission is to be made public, please ensure you do not include any personal information that you don't want to be published.

If your submission is confidential, please ensure each page of the submission is marked as confidential.

Please click on the 'Have your say now' button below to upload your submission.

This consultation is closed.

Australian Privacy Principle 5 Notice

National Urban Policy

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the department) is collecting information for the purposes of the National Urban Policy, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

The department will use this information to inform consideration of issues associated with National Urban Policy and will store this information securely. It may be used by the department to make further contact with you about the review.

The department will not disclose information to third parties, except in the circumstances outlined below.
Submissions, in part or full, including the name of the author may be published on the department's website unless the submission is confidential. Confidential submissions (including the author's name) will not be published. Private addresses and contact details will not be published or disclosed to any third parties unless required by law.

Submissions will only be treated as confidential if they are expressly stated to be confidential. Automatically generated confidentiality statements or disclaimers appended to an email do not suffice for this purpose. If you wish you make a confidential submission, you should indicate this by ensuring your submission is marked confidential.

Confidential submissions will be kept securely and will only be disclosed in the following circumstances:

  • in response to a request by a Commonwealth Minister
  • where required by a House or a Committee of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia
  • where required by law.

The department may also disclose confidential submissions within the Commonwealth of Australia, including with other Commonwealth agencies, where necessary in the public interest.

Please note that in order to protect the personal privacy of individuals in accordance with the Privacy Act any submissions containing sensitive information, personal information or information which may reasonably be used to identify a person or group of people may not be published, even if not marked as confidential.

The department’s privacy policy contains information regarding complaint handling processes and how to access and/or seek correction of personal information held by the department. The Privacy Officer can be contacted on (02) 6274 6495 or by email:


Displaying 41 - 50 of 166
City of Burnside
City of Hobart
City of Melbourne
City of Playford
City of Port Phillip
City of Stonnington
City of Sydney Council
City of Vincent
Climateworks Centre
Committee for Brisbane