The Federal election was called on 28 March 2025. As this website is hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, the site will only be updated with material in line with the Caretaker Conventions. Please note that the content of this site relates to the Australian Government’s existing policy.

Draft Principles for National Approach to Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems

We are consulting on the development of draft principles to inform a framework to support Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) in Australia.

Why we want your input

C-ITS is characterised by shared responsibility between and amongst governments, automotive manufacturers and other industry participants and the flow of data from vehicles to other things. Industry and community feedback will help us move forward with preparations for C-ITS in Australia in a way that takes into account public and industry needs.

How you can voice your opinion

Please review the draft principles and supporting materials (consultancy report and summary paper) and tell us what you think by making a submission. Click the 'Have your say’ button below to upload your submission. Alternatively, email your submission to

What will be the outcome of this consultation?

Your submission will help inform how governments move forward towards a nationally consistent C-ITS system that will bring a range of benefits to our roads and vehicles, and will help prepare Australia for technologies to come.

The Issue

Australian governments have been working together on how we can provide a framework to support Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) in Australia.

For the purposes of this consultation, we are defining C-ITS as interconnected systems of technologies that allow road vehicles to communicate with other vehicles, road infrastructure and data services, and with vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. C-ITS has the potential to deliver improved outcomes in road safety, road productivity, traffic congestion, journey times and environmental sustainability – including in the areas of public transport, shared mobility and freight – by enabling improved decision-making based on shared information. In the future, C-ITS also has the potential to improve the performance of automated vehicles on the transport network.

In the last year Australian governments have been working together to understand Australian readiness to implement C-ITS on larger scales. This work includes a study into possible C-ITS deployment models for Australia, undertaken by WSP Australia for the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and Arts (DITRDCA) in conjunction with Transport and Main Roads Queensland, Transport for NSW and Austroads – the report of this study forms part of this consultation’s supporting materials. The WSP study considered technical enablers for C-ITS, market models, a rapid cost benefit analysis, advice on Australia’s readiness and possible next steps. This work found:

  • national consistency is essential to achieve the level of interoperability required to realise the full benefits of C-ITS;
  • Australia should align itself to an international standards suite; and
  • government leadership and direction is needed for C-ITS to succeed in Australia.

Governments then worked together to develop Draft Principles for a National Approach to C-ITS in Australia, on which your feedback is now being sought. Given that C-ITS is characterised by shared responsibility between and amongst governments, automotive manufacturers and a range of other industry participants, your feedback and inputs are important to help inform settling of these draft Principles.

To assist with consideration of the issue, we have also attached a short paper prepared by the Office of Future Transport Technology in this department, summarising the WSP work and setting out the main policy issues in taking C-ITS forward in Australia.

We would like to hear your views about these issues. To assist with framing your input, we are asking you to consider the following questions in your response, though we would also welcome any additional comments.

  1. Are principles for a national approach to C-ITS in Australia necessary? And if so, are the draft principles, as articulated, sufficient to inform investment by industry in C-ITS?
  2. Over the next 5 years, to what extent does your organisation anticipate moving into a C-ITS role or increasing its involvement in C-ITS?
  3. How might C-ITS impact other vehicle connectivity systems in Australia, including vehicle/original equipment manufacturer (OEM) connectivity, vehicle/cloud connectivity, heavy vehicle telematics systems, mapping systems, etc?
  4. The draft Principles include a focus on cooperation across industry, government, the research sector, and the community: what structures would be necessary to support the development of an Australian C-ITS system?
  5. After the Principles, what next steps do you think would be most productive?

 For more information about connected vehicles and C-ITS, please visit the related webpages:

Relevant documentation


The draft Principles for a National Approach to Co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) in Australia were refined in response to this consultation process. A set of refined principles was endorsed by infrastructure and transport ministers and published in February 2024.


03 Jan 2023 17:00 AEDT
03 Feb 2023 23:59 AEDT
This consultation is closed.


Displaying 1 - 10 of 33
5G Automotive Association (5GAA)
Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AIEF)
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Australian Automobile Association (AAA)
Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA)
Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (ASFiNAG)
CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium
Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety Queensland (CARRS-Q)
Cohda Wireless