Public interest journalism grant round opens

The $50 million Public Interest News Gathering Program 2020 grant round is now open.

The grant guidelines are now available to help news organisations in regional Australia prepare their applications.

The program aims to support the continued production of high quality news in regional and remote areas of Australia.

Commercial television, newspaper and radio businesses in regional Australia who produce public interest journalism are eligible to apply.

Organisations can use the funding for a broad range of activities that relate to the production and distribution of public interest journalism. For example, funding could be used for:

  • equipment purchases
  • training
  • staff salaries, or
  • technology upgrades.

Applications will be considered through a demand-driven grant process, meaning that organisations who satisfy the eligibility criteria – producing Australian public interest journalism with a commitment to accuracy, accessibility and broad relevance – will be eligible for funding.

The program guidelines and application process are available on the Government’s central grants website, Grant Connect.

Eligible organisations may also receive funding under the Eligible organisations can also receive funding under the Regional and Small Publishers Innovation Fund.

Applications for the PING program will close 29 May 2020.

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