19 October 2016
2016/12—Community Update on Perfluorinated Chemicals—Public Meetings Thursday 27 October
DOCX: 472 KB
The Department of Defence (Defence), as the lead agency for per- and poly-fluoro alkyl substances (PFAS) investigation in the Jervis Bay Territory, will host two information sessions on Thursday 27 October for residents, businesses and local stakeholders on the findings of the preliminary testing in the Jervis Bay Territory (JBT). The information sessions will also outline the next stage of detailed site investigations to identify the extent and level of PFAS on and in the vicinity of Defence establishments in the JBT.
On 19 May 2016, Defence outlined their JBT activity under the National PFAS Environmental Management Program to representatives of the Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council Board and at a general public meeting. Results of potable water testing, which found no detectable PFAS contamination in the JBT's drinking water, were shared at the same meetings.
You are invited to attend public meetings on Thursday 27 October to hear an update on the issue of PFAS environmental management in the JBT:
- Wreck Bay Village: 5pm—6pm in the Wreck Bay Community Hall
- Jervis Bay Village: 7pm—8pm in the Jervis Bay School Hall
At these sessions, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Tony Hobbs will provide public health information on PFAS. The ACT Chief Health Officer, Dr Paul Kelly, as an advisor to the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, will provide advice on precautionary measures, until further investigations have been undertaken.
For further information on Defence's National PFAS Environmental Management Program, please refer to www.defence.gov.au/id/PFOSPFOA/
Sheryl Klaffer
Jervis Bay Territory Administration