Regional Connectivity Program

The Regional Connectivity Program (RCP) is a grants program funding the delivery of 'place-based' telecommunications infrastructure projects to improve digital connectivity across regional, rural and remote Australia. The RCP is supported by co-contributions from state, territory and local governments, as well as grantees and other third parties.

Under Round 1, 2 and 3 of the program, $368.4 million (GST inclusive) has been committed towards 297 place-based communications projects, providing regional communities with significant upgrades to voice and data services.  This includes $115.98 million (GST inclusive) towards 130 projects under Round 1, $137.21 million (GST inclusive) towards 93 projects under the second round of the program, and $115.24 million (GST inclusive) towards 74 projects under Round 3.

For more information about the RCP see the Regional Connectivity Program's FAQs page.

Round 3

On 11 December 2023, the Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP, announced the outcomes of the combined grant opportunity for Round 7 of the Mobile Black Spot Program (the MBSP) and Round 3 of the RCP.  The Australian Government's commitment of $115.24 million to Round 3 of the RCP is providing for the delivery of 74 place-based telecommunications infrastructure projects across Australia.

As part of RCP Round 3, there are 25 projects, totalling $41.2 million to improve connectivity solutions in First Nations communities. This commitment supports the digital inclusion and contributes towards Target 17 of the Closing the Gap initiative, which aims to ensure First Nations people have equitable levels of digital inclusion by 2026. Of the 25 projects, seven, valued at $7.1 million (GST inclusive) will be delivered in Central Australia.

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Round 2

Round 2 of the RCP is providing $137.2 million (GST inclusive) to improve telecommunications infrastructure in regional and remote Australia. This funding will leverage a total investment of $226 million (GST inclusive) for the delivery of projects across Australia.

This includes Australian Government funding of $69.6 million (GST inclusive) for projects through the Connecting Northern Australia initiative (CNA initiative) and funding of $67.6 million (GST inclusive) for projects in regions across other parts of Australia.

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Round 1

The first round of the RCP is providing $115.98 million (GST inclusive) in Commonwealth funding for 130 place-based telecommunications infrastructure projects across Australia, providing regional communities with significant upgrades to voice and data services. This funding will leverage a total investment of $228.7 million (GST inclusive) for the delivery of projects across Australia

Funded projects include new and improved mobile voice and data coverage, fixed wireless and fibre broadband services, and improved microwave and fibre backhaul capacity to locations across regional, rural and remote Australia.

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Regional Connectivity Program
GPO Box 594
Canberra ACT 2601

Project delivery

The RCP Program is delivering improved regional connectivity through the provision of mobile voice and data, fibre broadband, fixed wireless and community Wi-Fi solutions; supporting improved social and economic outcomes for regional and remote communities. Improved connectivity through the RCP will allow regional communities and businesses to access essential online services, utilise new business tools and connect with the digital economy.

Projects funded under RCP Rounds 1 and Round 2 are currently scheduled to be completed by June 2025, and projects funded under RCP Round 3 are currently scheduled to be completed by June 2027.

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