ROVER video: Release 7 demonstration
Several new functions and features were delivered in ROVER Release 7. Watch a guided tour of the changes including how to sign in using multifactor authentication; how to delete or withdraw, amend and resubmit applications; how to provide your application a nickname; and lots more.ROVER guide: How to add your road vehicle to the RAV once specified conditions have been met
This guide explains step-by-step how to notify us that you have satisfied the specific conditions of an approval and the vehicle is ready for entry on the Register of Approved Vehicles.ROVER video: Release 8A demonstration
ROVER Release 8A focuses on improved reporting capability and performance improvements for applications, especially those with large amounts of data.ROVER guide: How to revoke an RVS approval
ROVER guide: How to revoke an RVS approval (869.29 KB)
What's new? What's different? ROVER Release 8B