RVS guides and resources

ROVER video: ROVER Portal Rebuild demonstration

Watch this video on the rebuilt ROVER portal. It will look similar but include some design changes that should improve the user experience. It will generally be easier to add, edit and update information within an application using mini-forms.

What's new? What's different? ROVER Portal Rebuild

This What's new? What's different? guide is a visual overview of functionality and design changes that you can expect to see in the rebuilt ROVER portal. We will be updating this publication with additional information as we approach the release date.

Guidance note—Demonstrating compliance with ADR 79/05—Emission Control for Light Vehicles

This guidance note provides information on how to submit evidence of compliance with ADR 79/05—Emission Control for Light Vehicles in a vehicle type approval application in ROVER.

ROVER video: ROVER Portal Rebuild CI Forms

Watch this video on the changes to extent of compliance pages, including Compliance Information (CI) forms, in the rebuilt ROVER portal, which is being deployed in June 2024. 

ROVER guide: How to complete a SEVs Register application

This ROVER guide explains how to apply for a vehicle to be entered on the Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles (SEVs) Register.

ROVER guide: How to correct an error on the SEVs Register

This ROVER guide shows you how to request an error to be corrected on the Specialist and Enthusiast Vehicles (SEVs) Register.  

ROVER guide: How to complete compliance information forms

Compliance information (CI) forms are required in vehicle type approvals, component type approvals, Model Reports and some concessional RAV entry approvals, such as high ATM trailers and special purpose vehicles.

ROVER guide: How to apply for a low ATM trailer concessional RAV entry approval

This guide explains how to complete an application for a concessional RAV entry approval for a trailer with an aggregate trailer mass of 4.5 tonnes or less (a low ATM trailer). It also provides details on the information and documentation you will need to include in your application.

ROVER video: Release 8C demonstration

Watch this video demonstrating the new functionality and design changes in ROVER Release 8C. We’ve reduced the number of fields in compliance information forms, making it faster to submit your applications.

What’s new? What’s different? ROVER Release 8C

This What's new? What's different? guide is a visual overview of functionality and design changes in ROVER Release 8C.