Guide to the Register of Approved Vehicles
Tips—Submitting second stage of manufacture vehicles to the RAV
Guide to applying for a Model Report approval—Appendix 1—Information required in an application
Appendix 1 lists the broad questions asked in a Model Report approval application and outlines the information you need to provide or have in place to answer each question.Guide to registered automotive workshops
Guide to registered automotive workshops (601.25 KB)
Guide to registered automotive workshops—Appendix 5—Model Report Work Instructions a RAW must follow
Appendix 5 details the items listed in Division 3—Work Instructions of the Road Vehicle Standards (Model Reports) Determination 2021, and the steps and checks a registered automotive workshop must follow when manufacturing or modifyGuide to registered automotive workshops—Appendix 2—Information required in an application
Appendix 2 lists the features of an application and the information you need to provide or have in place.Guide to registered automotive workshops—Appendix 4—Expectations for conditions applied to an approval
Appendix 4 details the department’s expectations of a registered automotive workshop when conditions are applied to an approval.Guide to registered automotive workshops—Appendix 3—Details expected in a quality management system summary
Appendix 3 details the measures and actions a registered automotive workshop should include in a quality management system summary.Guide to component type approvals
This guide describes what component type approvals are and who can apply for them. It includes information on how to apply, the eligibility criteria, assessment process and time frame for deciding an application.Guide to component type approvals—Appendix 1—Information required in an application