Social Survey Techniques for Assessing the Effects of Drink-Driving Countermeasures


There would be major coverage problems if the telephone system was to be used as the sole basis for the data collection. It was for this reason that this research examined the feasibility of using administrative records (the RTA Driver Licence Register), as a basis for selecting a sample of the target population, who would hopefully volunteer to participate in the survey. The response rates from this approach were disappointing, particularly at stage one of the process, where there was a requirement to return a completed slip by reply-paid mail. One could expect to improve on the stage one response, by building in the normal controls for successive waves of mail-outs, as would be applied in the case of a well run mail survey.

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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Grant
Author(s): Pidgeon (Swinburne)
Topics: Alcohol, Methodology
Publication Date: 01/01/89