MR 02: Blood alcohol concentrations of pedestrians (1989)

BACs were obtained for 213 adult pedestrians who were admitted to an Adelaide hospital between August 1985 & July 1987. Almost 2/3 of the pedestrians were male, and males had a higher rate per 10,000 pop. of admission to hospital than female pedestrians. Overall, 38% of the pedestrians with known BACs had been drinking, 29% had a BAC of 100g/100ml or above, and 13% had a BAC of .200 or above. Three high-risk groups were identified: teenaged sober pedestrians, elderly sober pedestrians, and young and middle-aged pedestrians, particularly males who had high BACs.

Type: Research and Analysis Report

Sub Type: Minor Report

Author(s): O T Holubowycz, A J McLean - RARU

Topics: Alcohol, Pedestrian

Publication Date: 10/01/89
