This report addresses the topic of driver fatigue, an issue that is receiving increasing attention in the road safety field.
As part of an evaluation of a national increase in the heavy vehicle speed limit to 90 km/h from 1 January 1987, an attitude survey of 453 drivers and 90 operators of heavy vehicles was undertaken in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland in June and July 1987. Current speed of travel is around 100 km/h and is influenced by route based factors rather than speed limit. A heavy vehicle speed limit of 100 km/h is preferred, for safety reasons.
The development and implementation of the Pre-Licence Motorcycle Training Course at the NSW Traffic Education Centre was reviewed. Six areas are dealt with in the report: Developing the Pre-Licence Motor Cycle Course; Adequacy of Resources; The Participants in the Course: The Contribution of Individuals and Groups from the Community; Perceptions of Course's Success; Requirements for Running a Successful Course. The report concludes with a set of conclusions relating to each of these areas.
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The Federal Office of Road Safety has produced a pre-primary schools version of the road safety education resource material “Out and About”. This report details the evaluative research undertaken amongst pre-school teachers, pupils and parents, once the resource had been trialled on 10 pre-schools and 32 pre-school classes. Teachers using the materials were generally positive about the usefulness of the sensibly age-related road safety concepts.
The literature describing the biomechanical response of children to impact is reviewed. The results of a computer simulation of a real child pedestrian impact using the computer program MADYMO are presented. The results of this simulation show good agreement with currently accepted tolerance levels for head impact in children.
Four important features were pre-requisites for the success of compulsory restraint wearing in Australia. They were a detailed specification for design, construction and installation of restraints; a multi-layered system of quality control and inspection: enforcement; and education and publicity to increase awareness of the benefits of restraint wearing.
This report documents the findings from the Department's 2011 survey of community attitudes to road safety. The twenty-second in a series of national surveys on community attitudes to road safety was conducted in May and June 2011. A total of 1,555 interviews were conducted with persons aged 15 years and over.
Many small children, particularly toddlers, are run over in home driveways. This brochure provides advice about keeping children safe around vehicles at home.
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This report documents the findings from the Department's 2013 survey of community attitudes to road safety. The twenty-third in a series of national surveys on community attitudes to road safety was conducted in October and November 2013. A total of 1,500 interviews were conducted with persons aged 15 years and over.