Mobile Black Spot Program Round 8—Project Noticeboard

Take a look at our Project Noticeboard to find out if there are any potential project proposals targeting resilient mobile coverage in disaster prone areas that you may wish to develop into an application for Round 8 of the Mobile Black Spot Program.

Organisation: Shire of Sandstone

State: WA
Location: Mt Magnet - Sandstone Road

Project description:

Sandstone is located 150 kilometres east of Mt Magnet and 150 kilometres west of the town of Leinster. This road is a major tourist and transport route between the northern Goldfields and the port of Geraldton.

There has been several deaths and numerous truck accidents on this road in the past 18 months. There is one mobile tower near this road close to the town of Sandstone.

This tower is subject to regular outages leaving no mobile coverage in the town of Sandstone nor on the 300 kilometres between Mt Magnet and Leinster.

What is required is at least one new tower for the town of Sandstone and two towers east and west of the townsite.

Contact name: Peter Money
Phone: 0407 471 754

• Willing to discuss potential co-contributions (financial and/or in-kind) with program applicants

Organisation: Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

State: WA
Location: Cardup locality

Project description:

Continued poor coverage in Cardup, which is within proximity of some of the fastest growing suburbs in WA, being Byford and Mundijong.

As the fastest growing outer areas in metropolitan Perth and Peel, reliable and stable mobile data is not available as the urban front advances south in Byford, and opens up to the north in Mundijong.

It is essential to address this data need before development encroaches on the most suitable sites to house such infrastructure, and also to address the extreme risk of bushfire in this area. Coordinates = 32.25702° S, 115.95460° E

Contact name: Andrew Trosic
Phone: 0409 038 429

• Willing to discuss potential co-contributions (financial and/or in-kind) with program applicants