2018/11—Community Meeting on Defence’s ongoing PFAS investigation in JBT

21 September 2018

2018/11—Community Meeting on Defence’s ongoing PFAS investigation in JBT PDF: 425 KB

Further to the Community Bulletin issued on 12 September 2018 (No. 2018/09), the Jervis Bay Territory Administration extends an invitation to all Jervis Bay Territory (JBT) residents to attend one of two community meetings to be held in the JBT on Thursday 27 September 2018.

The first community meeting will be held at the Wreck Bay Community Hall from 12noon to 1pm with a second meeting to be held at the Jervis Bay Primary School Hall from 6pm to 7pm.

The meetings will have the same content and will provide an opportunity for community members to ask questions about Defence’s ongoing investigation into per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the JBT. The Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities will also provide details about the precautionary signage that will be installed in the JBT as outlined in the Community Bulletin of 12 September 2018.

For further information on Defence’s ongoing Jervis Bay Range Facility PFAS Investigation, please contact the Jervis Bay Range Facility PFAS Investigation Information Line on 1800 987 618, or see the Department of Defence website at: http://www.defence.gov.au/environment/pfas/JervisBay

For general information on PFAS health effects and exposure pathways contact the Commonwealth Department of Health on 1800 941 180, or see the fact sheet which is available from: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/44CB8059934695D6CA25802800245F06/$File/Health-Effects-Exposure-Pathways-factsheet.pdf

Luke Slattery
Director Operations Manager,
Jervis Bay Territory Administration