2014/07—Public Meeting: Services in the Jervis Bay Territory

19 May 2014

2014/07—Public Meeting: Services in the Jervis Bay Territory
DOC: 447 KB PDF: 41 KB

The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development will hold a public meeting to discuss options for services delivered in the Jervis Bay Territory.


Wednesday 28 May 2014 7pm


JBT School Hall

Staff from the Department will outline current arrangements and discuss how they can be made more effective. Your input will be included in a report to the Australian Government.

Information on current arrangements will be available for you to take home and consider. An email, postal address and telephone number will also be provided for you to submit any further feedback you have following the meeting.

To ensure we can cater for your attendance, please notify the Jervis Bay Territory Administration Office on 4442 1217 that you will be coming.

For more information or to pick up a newsletter, please call in and see our staff or call during normal business hours.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Sheryl Klaffer
Jervis Bay Territory Section