2017/13—Review Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fire Ordinance 2014

1 November 2017

The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development invites written submissions to its review of the Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fire Ordinance 2014 and the Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fires Rule 2014 (the Ordinance).

2017/14—Proposed 2018 Fees for Electricity in the Jervis Bay Territory

1 November 2017

The Jervis Bay Territory Administration (Administration) facilitates the provision of electricity supply in the Jervis Bay Territory (JBT). It is proposed to update the electricity fees in the JBT, effective from 1 January 2018 through the Electricity Supply Fees Determination 2018 (Jervis Bay Territory).

Jervis Bay Territory governance and administration


The Territory was surrendered to the Commonwealth by the State of New South Wales in 1915. The Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (the Acceptance Act) and Jervis Bay Territory Ordinances made by the Governor-General are administered by the Minister with responsibility for Territories.

History of Jervis Bay Territory

1770 Captain Cook sighted Jervis Bay and named St George's Head (it was St George's Day April 1770) and called Point Perpendicular ‘Long Nose".
1791 The bay was named ‘Jervis Bay" by Lieutenant Bowen of the Atlantic in honour of Admiral Sir John Jervis under whom he had served.
1811 GW Evens surveyed the bay.