Source List for National Infrastructure Construction Schedule (NICS)


The Australian Government’s National Infrastructure Construction Schedule (NICS) is a link to state, territory and industry-led infrastructure websites, that provide investors and construction contractors with detailed information on infrastructure pipelines, tendering and contracting opportunities. NICS is a one-stop portal to projects nationally, to assist in providing greater visibility of opportunities for investment and participation in the delivery of critical infrastructure.

About Infrastructure Australia

Infrastructure Australia is an independent statutory body with a mandate to prioritise and progress nationally significant infrastructure.

Infrastructure Australia provides independent research and advice to all levels of government as well as investors and owners of infrastructure on the projects and reforms Australia needs to fill the infrastructure gap and publically advocates for reforms on key issues including financing, delivering and operating infrastructure and how to better plan and utilise Australia's infrastructure networks.

To access the Infrastructure Australia website click here.

About ANZIP (Australia & New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline)

The Australia & New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline (ANZIP) provides a forward view of public infrastructure activity across Australia and New Zealand, providing certainty of the forward work programme to investors, constructors, governments and other agencies. ANZIP informs industry of where and what infrastructure opportunities are available, and when they come to market by tracking greenfield and brownfield transactions from when they are proposed, until they reach contractual and financial close.

ANZIP is maintained by Infrastructure Partnerships Australia (IPA) and is independent of the Australian Government.

To access the ANZIP website click here.

States and Territories




New South Wales



Northern Territory





Links to other web sites are inserted for convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites or any associated organisation product or service. These external information sources are outside the Department's control. It is the responsibility of users to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of the information at those sites. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that any of the sites listed will be available at any particular time.