CR 154: Side Impact Regulation Benefits (1995)


Analysis of the benefits of new countermeasures are commonly used when setting road safety priorities. This study set out to estimate the likely benefits if Australia was to adopt a new dynamic side impact regulation similar to the current FMVSS 214 regulation in the USA or the proposed ECE Regulation 95 in Europe. These two standards are fundamentally different and likely to result in different countermeasures and benefits. Harm reduction analysis has been used previously for estimating occupant protection benefits from new countermeasures and was used again here. An existing Australia-wide database provided the baseline trauma patterns and a number of assumptions were made based on overseas published figures on the likely injury reduction effects of these two regulations.

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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Consultant Report
Author(s): Fildes, Digges, Carr, Dyte & Vulcan
Topics: Economic, Occ protection, Vehicle design
Publication Date: 01/01/95