CR 26: The development and assessment of a drink driving campaign: A case study (1983)


In January 1979 the Office of Road Safety, Department of Transport, Australia, commissioned B.J. Eliiott and Associates to develop approaches to drink-driving publicity. In October that year, a detailed interim report (Elliott & Peberdy) specified the options available and recommended a communications strategy. These options were based upon original research conducted by one of the authors in Tasmania, together with a thorough review of relevant existing literature and communication efforts from around the world. The strategy deviated from traditional approaches being aimed at the "associate" of the drink-driver, and also in attempting a positive modelling approach, rather than highlighting the negative consequences of the undesirable behaviour.

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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Consultant Report
Author(s): B J Elliott & D R South
Topics: Alcohol, Campaigns
Publication Date: 01/01/83