This Summary report briefly describes the design phase of a study to evaluate the safety effectiveness of certain minor traffic engineering and road safety projects undertaken in Australia. A review was made of sources of data available on accidents, traffic flows and minor traffic engineering improvements for road safety implemented in the States of Australia. It was concluded that the major data constraint presently the only States with databases in an immediately suitable form relates to accident data and that South Australia and Western Australia for the proposed evaluation. A methodology was developed and recommended for the evaluation phase, based on the principles of the before-and-after study. Care was given to resolution of problems arising from changes in site exposure and changes in secular trends of accidents.
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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Consultant Report
Author(s): Nicholas Clark and Associates, G Teale, S Maclean, N Clark And P Gipps
Topics: Methodology, Traffic management
Publication Date: 01/10/79