Eligible suppliers in the building and construction industry are encouraged to submit a response to a Request for Information.
The department released the request for information on 27 February 2025, to procure a managing contractor for the Western Sydney International Airport Noise Insulation Program.
The successful contractor will assess and provide noise treatment and building works at approved eligible properties in close proximity to the new airport, which is set to open in late 2026.
They will deliver a range of services including:
- Community and landowner engagement
- Site and building inspections
- Noise assessments and the preparation of Noise Treatment Plans
- The engagement and supervision of sub-contractors
- The delivery of works
- Assessment of the completed works for building compliance and the achievement of the indoor noise target
- Project completion and wrap-up.
Applications will close on Friday 11 April 2025.
Further information about the Noise Insulation Program will be made available to the public and eligible landowners in the second half of 2025.
Find out more
- Read the Approach to Market
- Read the Noise Insulation and Property Acquisition Policy for Western Sydney International Airport