Voicing your concern

This page tells you how you can make a complaint about:

  • advertising
  • films, computer games and publications
  • illegal content on the Internet
  • television or radio broadcasts
  • print media (including related websites).


There are rules about what can be advertised on broadcasting services in Australia, and when and where it can be advertised.

Advertisers have agreed to number of codes, including codes developed by the Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA). This includes codes about advertising to children and advertising food and beverages.

If you want to complain about the content of an advertisement you can approach Ad Standards. Ad Standards manages the complaint resolution process for the advertising self-regulatory system.

Any complaints about the scheduling or placement of television and radio advertising should be made to the relevant broadcaster.

.au Domain Administration

Administration and management of the .au domain name space is self-regulated. If you are the holder of an .au domain name, or wishing to seek further information or complain around the use of an .au domain name, auDA (.au Domain Administration Limited) is endorsed by the Commonwealth Government to manage the technical, policy and compliance aspects of the .au namespace.

auDA is an independent organisation responsible for the policy and technical administration of Australia’s country code top-level domain (.au). The Government endorses auDA and has oversight of its operations. Domain registration legislation and the relationship between Government and auDA sits within the Communications portfolio. While the Government encourages auDA to consult widely on policy changes, it does not intervene in its day-to-day decision making on policy.

Films, computer games, and publications

Films, videos, computer games and certain publications (including magazines) are classified under the National Classification Scheme. Classification helps people decide what content might be suitable for them or their families.

For information about making a complaint about a classification decision, please visit the classification website.

Illegal content on the Internet

Complain to the eSafety Commissioner about offensive and illegal online content.

Print media

Print and online news publishers are largely self-regulated.

The Australian Press Council (APC) is the main body with responsibility for complaints about certain Australian newspapers, magazines and digital outlets. Further information about the media organisations regulated by the APC is available on the APC’s website.

Complaints about some magazines, newspapers and associated digital outlets, such as those published by West Australian Newspapers, are handled by the Independent Media Council (IMC). Further information about the media organisations regulated by the IMC is available on the IMC’s website.

If you have a complaint about what's in a newspaper, periodical, online news site or the website of a publication:

  • first, approach the editor or other representative of the publication
  • if you aren't satisfied with the result you may, depending on the publication, want to contact either the APC or the IMC.

Television and radio programs

What you see and hear on television and radio is covered by certain rules.

Information about how to complain about a television or radio program is available on the Australian Communication and Media Authority’s (ACMA’s) website.