2018/05 - Access to ACT and NSW Container Deposit Scheme

02 July 2018

2018/05—Access to ACT and NSW Container Deposit Scheme

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Beverage containers make up a large volume of litter across Australia. A Container Deposit Scheme has now commenced in the ACT, similar to the schemes which already exist in New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory.

More information on the ACT Container Deposit Scheme can be viewed at www.actcds.com.au. Jervis Bay Territory residents are able to access NSW's scheme, Return and Earn, which commenced in December 2017. Most beverage containers are eligible for a 10-cent refund and more than 600 collection points are established across NSW. In NSW, reverse vending machines will be rolled out at participating Woolworths and Aldi supermarkets.

More information on the NSW Return and Earn scheme can be viewed on the NSW Government's website at: www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/recycling-and-reuse/return-and-earn

The same containers will be eligible for refunds in NSW and the ACT.

Chris Baseler
Operations Manager
Jervis Bay Territory Administration
Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities