Service Delivery Arrangements—fact sheets

Many state-government type services are delivered in the Indian Ocean Territories through Service Delivery Arrangements (SDA) with Western Australian (WA) Government agencies.

Fact Sheets have been developed to provide information about the services available through SDA and how IOT residents can access them.

If you have any comments or feedback on the Fact Sheets, please use the IOT Community Feedback form.

If your feedback relates to a service provided by a third party, please contact that provider directly in the first instance. All service providers to the Indian Ocean Territories have feedback and complaints procedures that will likely be able to assist you with your enquiry.

If you have not contacted a service provider first, the Australian Government will, where appropriate, refer your correspondence to the responsible service provider.

If you have contacted a service provider but would like to submit feedback to the department, please include details of the response you have received.

Service English Chinese Malay Cocos Malay
Child protection services
Communities services
Corrective services
Crown land management and planning services
Culture and the arts services
Education services
Energy policy services
Environmental protection services
Environmental regulation services
Environmental impact assessment services
Equal opportunity and anti-discrimination services
Equal opportunity services
Finance services
Fire and emergency services
Health and disability services complaints
Housing services
Information Commissioner services
Insurance Commission of Western Australia
Justice services
Landgate services
Legal Aid services
Library services
Liquor and gaming regulation services
Local Government Grants Commission services
Local government services
Main Roads WA services
Mines, Building and Energy, Consumer Protection and Safety Regulation services
Multicultural interests services
Museum services
Public Trustee services
Regional development services
Salaries and Allowances Tribunal
Sport and recreation services
State Ombudsman services
Sustainability and biosecurity services
Training and workforce development services
Transport services
Water regulation services
Water and wastewater services
Western Australian Planning Commission
WorkCover services
Workers' compensation and injury management services