Reduction Of Road Related Optimism Bias and Risk Taking


Optimism bias regarding road-related optimism bias may contribute to road deaths and injuries by increasing risk-taking on the road. Because driver training courses may worsen road-related optimism bias, components of driver training courses which seek to reduce this bias are important. Although optimism bias is difficult to reduce, techniques developed and evaluated during this research program appear to have some promise. Further, a session of a driver training program (the "Low Risk Driving Course") designed to combat optimism bias appears to have comparable efficacy. These approaches share two important components: teaching drivers to have a realistic view of their past experience, and motivating them to think realistically in order to minimize their crash risk. Further research is required to promote a better understanding of road-related optimism bias and to refine techniques which reduce it.

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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Grant
Author(s): J Hatfield, RFS Job
Topics: Behaviour, Risk, Young drivers
Publication Date: 01/01/01