CR 137: Lower Limb Injuries to Passenger Car Occupants (1994)


Lower limb injuries occur to front seat occupants in more than one in three head-on casualty crashes. A study was undertaken to determine the various types of injuries, the sources of injury inside the vehicle, and the mechanisms of injury. This information was to help guide future regulation effort aimed at reducing the frequency and severity of these injuries and to make recommendations about how these injuries might be mitigated in future vehicle design. A detailed examination was undertaken of hospitalised or killed vehicle occupants who sustained a lower limb injury in a passenger car involved in a frontal crash. The findings showed that fractures occur in 88% of crashes where someone suffers a lower limb injury.

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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Consultant Report
Author(s): B N Fildes, J C Lane, J Lenard, A P Vulcan and J Wenzel
Topics: Injury, Occ protection
Publication Date: 01/10/94