Predicting Young People's Traffic Risk-Taking


In sum, the results of the three studies reported here suggest some interesting trends warranting further exploration in larger and more diverse samples of children and their parents. The major goal of this pilot project, to develop and validate instruments to be used in such a large-scale project, were for the most part achieved. With the exception of the Road Knowledge Quiz, all the final instruments used in this research were shown to (a) have adequate internal consistency and (h) be comprehensible, meaningful, and easy-to-use with samples of Australian children and adults, respectively. The trends suggested by the results of all three studies were also of clear interest. It would be especially worthwhile to follow up, in future research, the interesting patterns of association between parental worry, parental locus-of-control, and children's road-related risk-taking that were suggested by the results of Studies 1 and 2.

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Type: Research and Analysis Report
Sub Type: Grant
Author(s): Peterson
Topics: Risk, Young drivers
Publication Date: 01/01/92