Heavy vehicle lane departure systems

We’re seeking feedback on the new proposed rule to have all heavy vehicles fitted with lane departure warning systems.

Why we want your input

Vehicle safety affects all Australians. This is your chance to have your say on vehicle technology that helps reduce the number of road fatalities and injuries caused by heavy vehicles unintentionally leaving their lane.

How you can voice your opinion

Read the proposed Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) and Australian Design Rule 99/00 below and provide your submission. For detailed feedback please complete and attach the consultation feedback form below.

What will be the outcome of this consultation?

Your submission will help inform future standard for lane departure warning systems in all new heavy vehicles.

The Issue

The impact of road trauma is significant, costing the Australian economy approximately $30 billion per year with heavy vehicle crashes comprising approximately $1.5 billion.

Currently it is not a requirement for heavy vehicles to be fitted with a lane departure warning system (LDWS) even though there could be considerable benefits to all road users and the wider community. A LDWS can increase the driver’s alertness to an unintentional lane departure, helping to reduce the number of collisions resulting in severe or fatal injuries.

The Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) below analyses crashes relating to heavy vehicles unintentionally drifting outside their lane  and shows that by introducing the proposed new Australian Design Rule (ADR) 99/00 an estimated 63 lives can be saved, and 1,732 serious and 5,389 minor injuries can be avoided over the next 37 years. This will also provide an estimated net benefit of $17 million to the Australian community.

We’re seeking feedback on the proposed RIS and regulation, including:

  • Support for the recommended option.
  • The assumptions used for the benefit-cost analysis, including data to support actual effectiveness of the technology, the costs or the assumed benefits.
  • The suitability of ADR 99/00 for adoption under the Australian Design Rules, including any comments on functional and/or performance requirements, testing requirements or implementation, such as the applicable vehicle categories and timing.
  • Any other relevant views or information.

Have your say below by providing a submission. You can also complete and attach the consultation feedback form if you would like to provide detailed feedback.

On 21 April 2022 Australian Design Rule 99/00 – Lane Departure Warning was replaced with an amended version taking into account that the current consultation process applies to all new heavy vehicles, not just vehicles in scope for the Safer Freight Vehicle reform package. Version 2 is in tracked-changes to indicate the amendments.

Relevant documentation


09 Apr 2022 00:00 AEST
03 Jun 2022 23:59 AEST
This consultation is closed.