New Australian Infrastructure and Transport Statistics Yearbook

Have your say on how best to improve the yearbook to meet your needs

The Australian Infrastructure and Transport Statistics Yearbook (the yearbook) is a comprehensive annual source of infrastructure statistics and has been used by policy makers, industry leaders, transport analysts and the wider Australian community for the past 15 years.

Having access to high quality data through the yearbook allows government and communities to make strong evidence-based policy, program and planning decisions.

We are conducting a short (5 minute) survey to inform priorities for future development of the yearbook including which data series to build next, and what improvements should be made to better meet your needs.

We also want to hear your thoughts on opportunities for future collaboration and data sharing, plus how your organisation could contribute to the yearbook.

The yearbook is currently published annually and our aim is to improve its accessibility and relevance, including through interactive dashboards available in real-time.

Have your say by taking our short survey by 6 February 2022.

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